Greg Kerr
Sep 6, 2021


NFTs are like light; both a particle and a wave depending on the perspective of the observer. NFTs are an art platform, at the same time a financial platfrom--depending how your contexts dictates you see it. So, what if we take a step back and account for both sides of NFTs, artisitic and fiancial, we can see their bigger power. For example; fan clubs are now also hedge funds--the new financial models that fund regenerative energy infrustructure needed to reverse climate damage may come from K-pop fan clubs and not national governments.

With cheaper gas prices everyone, including artists, should be thinking of way to be an issuer of NFTs and not a seller. This action democratizes value issuing away from national governments and into the hands of individuals. The hippies were right--we all have value...and NFTs can highlight that value!



Greg Kerr

Pentagon analyst turned African green energy builder and currency designer